Help us walk

Welcome everyone!

I decided today to write a fasting day on the second day of the Pentecost, yesterday was a great celebration of the Pentecost, we were in the Church on the 17th ...

Yes how do i feel

Sometimes well bad sometimes, i need your prayers otherwise nothing will succeed ...

The pressure I have good 130/90 sugars is 115/127/166/142/156/201 at night today i had only 12 sugar fell in a coma i was fed glucagen even if sugar fell lower would be after me below 10 no longer rescued, Well that Andrzej woke up and saw that I have convulsions and I'm unconscious, I do not feel the sugar drop in a dream, today I will take less insulin units for the night I would not die, but as such God's will to die, then let him be glorified His name .. .

That's how it looked

I'm afraid of the night, today I do not sleep from 3 am, I'm tired, hope gives me only prayer ..

I pray for everyone I meet in my life, for my friends, my enemies, for my benefactors

I need your support, in the collection of the prosthesis, I already asked for it, but again I will try maybe someone would pay I would be grateful, because I could fulfill my dream to run, like in the schools to which I was concerned I was high cost of such prosthesis is 30000 zł He could walk and run on her

I gave some details below, I changed some parts of the description of the screenshots I wrote what I feel, as I read it please and how do you want to put a bearing on my guardian Andrzej, he collects on the prosthesis of the lower leg because he also needs a new prosthesis because what he has Destroyed ...

Who does not want to pay the account, because they charge 3 zł, I give my and Andrzej account is common, you can pay every penny counts ...

Help us dear

Andrzej's dump

Account 63 1320 1537 3842 9679 3000 0001 Norbert Mendyk, Andrzej Godziszewski

For foreign transfers

Swift poczplp4 IBAN PL63132015373842967930000001

Thank you for your help

Help us by heart every penny counts, help us walk ...

I greet Norbert


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